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Author Topic: Alternate Playing Possibility
Posts: 45
Post Alternate Playing Possibility
on: July 25, 2023, 19:59

This goes out to those who don't currently have the equipment to play the game normally. There is this option, an online playing site for various classic games. the results you get depend on what device you use to access the site. If you use a desktop computer like is the norm in a library, you'll get pastel colors like you usually do with modern H.D. T.V. sets, and unless you can plug in an X-Box pad, you'll be expected to use keyboard typing keys to play, which I really hate. However, I've also used an Amazon Fire(an I-tablet that depends on wi-fi) for this purpose, and that causes touch-screen key icons to appear. However, I still have a little trouble getting the hang of using the arrows representing the directional pad.

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