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Author Topic: 大航海時代III Costa del Sol English Documentation Project!
Posts: 25
Post 大航海時代III Costa del Sol English Documentation Project!
on: April 25, 2020, 02:37

First post of the new decade is a good one for you all. This has been a project that getting started on has been around a year in the making. May I present, the Daikoukai Jidai III, or rather for us, the Uncharted Waters III: Costa del Sol English Documentation Project!

So far the main spotlight is the Country List, the main bit as of currently, which truthfully has been quite the ordeal in and of itself. With the help of a translator friend, and looking up what proper names might be, we have done the best we can to ensure some of the best country names, as well as notes for what we know as of now. There are still a few things I personally know that I've yet to throw into the documentation, but currently, we've got enough here for me to feel comfortable with posting.

There's also the fact of there simply being so much here to comb through ultimately (sources are posted in the documentation above) that I could use some real help finding everything throughout it. The forum in particular, which, outside of some... unsavory ads which can graciously be removed from sight with an ad blocker, has many, many threads. Far too many for me to feasibly comb through myself. If you wish to help, and you find something that I perhaps haven't, please do contact me on Discord via Meeptroid#0666. I request that you only contact me via that for helping with the project to avoid cluttering this thread here with that, as well as the fact that I am far more active there. Pay no attention to me being on Do Not Disturb, I am available regardless.

I hope that you all enjoy this project as it slowly comes to life, for it's a bit of a passion project. With Costa del Sol being such an obscure entry for the English fanbase in an even yet more obscure series, this is some well needed documentation. There's quite a bit still to come about there even as of currently, including, with any luck some time this year, depending on things go with the current state of the world, a digital upload of a guidebook I have in my possession. With all that said, happy sailing all!

Posts: 25
Post Re: 大航海時代III Costa del Sol English Documentation Project!
on: April 25, 2020, 03:11

Sadly, the way the website's set up has cut off part of my beginning post. The RSS feed option should allow you to look at it correctly without issue, if you're alright with some oddities with the code. The link still works even if the post is cut off as well.

Posts: 96
Post Re: 大航海時代III Costa del Sol English Documentation Project!
on: May 4, 2020, 18:55

Really cool! Would this ever become a fan translated rom?

Posts: 25
Post Re: 大航海時代III Costa del Sol English Documentation Project!
on: May 5, 2020, 18:05

If we're talking purely theoretical and not realistic, it could happen provided something came up. Japanese fans have documented parts of the code, and I myself have done mild tinkering with it (mainly for small bugfixes that the Japanese community have figured out how to implement), though I'm unsure if the code documentation they've done would help with a translation. You also need to understand that fan-translating this would likely be far more difficult than say, Gaiden, as it's a Windows 95 game. While I'd love for this to possibly help be a guideline for some things provided a project came about, the point of this isn't for that. This is more of just a simple documentation to show what this game had to offer. As for Ryusui, well. He's shown interest in being involved with such a project, and has been involved with a few other translation projects in the past, but wouldn't know where to start with translating a Windows 95 game.

Posts: 25
Post Re: 大航海時代III Costa del Sol English Documentation Project!
on: July 28, 2020, 05:11

Just a quick update: haven't forgotten about the project! Just been having issues with having the drive to work much on it lately. I've got quite a bit done outside of the main document, I'm just working on finishing up some stuff before I throw it in there, rest assured there will be quite a few things in there hopefully in the upcoming weeks.

Posts: 25
Post Re: 大航海時代III Costa del Sol English Documentation Project!
on: August 4, 2020, 00:10

Another update: I've made a Discord server for the project, as well as discussion of UW games in general! It'll be far easier to keep people updated there, hence it's creation. Note that I am requiring people to link an email to their Discord account to send messages, this is to avoid any unwanted spam. Link to the server is below. Hope to see you there!

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