Catalina Erantzo Walkthrough

by Greg | March 21st, 2011

catalina erantzoSpanish Naval officer. She leaves the Navy for a life of piracy to avenge the mysterious loss of her brother & fiancé.

Leadership: 80
Courage: 86
Seamanship: 79
Swordsman: 92
Knowledge: 65
Charm: 95
Intuition: 52

Skills: Gunnery Skill

Catalina is the only character who won’t be called by a monarch to do favors. This makes her game the fastest of all, as all of her activities increase her fame.

Catalina begins her game by being called to Navy headquarters (which is at the right hand side of the castle) by Commander Ezequiel who tells her the sad news about her brother Michael and her fiancé Hernan being lost at sea. Their ship was wrecked or burned at Santo Domingo and no one survived.

Catalina must re-enter headquarters after talking to Ezequiel who will give her Michael’s saber. She then goes to the cafe to have tea with Lt. Emilio Sanude (Sail:8 Battle:11 -Gunnery/Celestial Navigation). They overhear two swabs talking about the disaster and say that rumor has it that Duke Franco’s private battle fleet was responsible for the attack. Cat returns to Ezequiel to request ships and men to avenge her loss against the Francos, but Ezequiel refuses on the grounds that she would cause a war over a rumor.

Cat returns to the cafe and a “crazy philosopher” rides them about giving up, then she asks Emilio to come with her to the dock. At the dock he joins her mission (at gun point) and they steal a ship- a galleon she names the REBEL. The ship has (10) bars of gold on board which you can sell to help recruit another (50-60) sailors for the ship. Cat must also “Equip” her saber and “Assign” her sailors to 90% combat.

When she sails, they encounter Rapheal Selran of Portugal (a battle captain). She should defeat him by attacking without a duel and return to Seville to sell the Rebel and equip the Flemish galleon with maximum men and no guns. This ship will sail much faster than that the galleon can. In Seville, save the game, because Cat may be surrounded by “Gruff men”, if captured, just restart to keep losing your money. Go to the dock and wait till 2 am, to go to the Item Shop and buy a Basterd sword.

Sail into the Mediterranean and attack another fleet, like a Turkish merchant or Portuguese (Yasale, Abduhl?). When docked at any harbor other than Seville, Cat gets the message that the Spanish fleet is after her. Stay close to a neutral port such as Algiers and dock after each battle to sell the captured ship and recruit sailors. This all to get more fame and get better in battling.

After the second battle with the Spanish Armada, the fleet catches fire and retreats. You can actually flee the second time, because you often won’t have enough crew to fight them again. Catalina picks up Andreas Paella and he joins as mate. He was the ‘crazy philosopher’ at the pub in Seville.

After your fame in piracy has reached +5,000 you’ll fight Pirate Kahn in a shipyard. You capture Joao and you have to flee, because Ezequiel is after you. Catalina’s pirate fame should get to +8,000. She must attack any Spanish, Portugese (or Turkish) or Pirate fleet to increase fame, money and battle skill. In the pub, Cat will meet Bret Perot. He tells them Joao’s location (Somewhere Italy? – Jaffa/Syracuse) and they take off after him.

In this port they will search first in the pub, if the bartender says he REALLY hasn’t seen him, you have to wait some days, come back to the pub. The bartender will say he HAS seen Joao now, so go search building after building looking for Joao and eventually Cat will find Andreas and Emilio tied up in the Merchant shop. They tell her that “Monster Rocco” did the dirty deed. So they return to the port where they saw Bret and ask him again.

This time he tells them (after being choked by Andreas) that a Portuguese noble wishes Lucia to be secretly taken to the lodge in Ceuta and they will be told Joao’s location again. She agrees.

They pick up Lucia in the pub in Lisbon and after dropping her at the lodge in Ceuta, find Perot in the pub. He tells them that Joao is in Alexandria.

In Alexandria, Otto Baynes shows up and convinces Cat that she has been tricked into kidnapping Lucia for Marquis Martinez of Portugal. She really has the butt at Perot now and Otto tells her that Perot is headed for the Black sea (beyond Istanbul). She can easily catch him and beat him in battle. He says that Lucia is across the world and that the Atlantic armies will conquer the world.

Cat’s pirate fame is now 15,000+ with a battle level of 11. On the next battle, Emilio says that a scum has been caught hiding on a captured ship. Catalina questions him and is told that Joao has sailed to Massawa to defend the locals against the Turks. She decides to go after him. To accomplish this, take her battleship, the crew must be reduced to (100). The Venetian should now sail for 45 days. If you want to beat enemies in duel, be sure to buy some armor in Copenhagen.

In Massawa they learn that Joao is called the “Savior”. They find Joao and company at the harbor and challenge him. He requests to be allowed to fight the Turks before settling the score with Cat and she agrees. Emilio suggests joining the battle and they do.

Don’t forget to hire more crew at Mecca (North-East) before fighting the Turks. To do this, just sail in the big group of Turkish fleets. This is a good chance to capture and sell several fleets and stock up on money if needed. Joao interrupts on the first battle and Catalina volunteers to assist in the battle.

After docking at Massawa after the battle, they are told that Joao is at the palace. Here Joao’s companion Enrico questions Catalina about the circumstances behind her vengeance and they find out that the attack on her brother could not have been accomplished by the Francos since they did not own a fleet at that time. A explorer from Genoa called Pietro Conti verifies Joao’s claims and Catalina lets them go.

She should now sail back to the Mediterranean and may stop at any port along the way for supplies. When your pirate fame has reached +30,000 go in any building, she is told that a Turkish merchant is looking for them at the lodge. Ali Vezas tells Catalina that Pietro wants to see her in Lisbon.

In Lisbon, at the Franco’s house, Pietro tells Cat that Marquis Martinez is responsible for her brothers death. Raul Franco, Joao’s grandfather, agrees with Pietro and tells Cat about Neo-Atlantis and how her brother was caught in this plot. They tell her that Martinez may be found in South America and that Commander Ezequiel is after her. You have to sail to South America now. When you go in any port, Emilio suggests sailing to every port. So that’ll be the mission for now. After some ports (don’t forget the northern ports of South America) Andreas says there’s a fight in the pub. You’ll end up fighting to Pirate Rudolph. Joao went to the harbor. After a conversation he agrees to ask Ezequiel for help in battling the pirates. When you go out of the port, Ezequiel will be waiting for you. He does fight with you and they sail after you up the Amazon river and encounter the pirates. After one battle, Martinez has gone up in flames.

3 Responses to “Catalina Erantzo Walkthrough”

  1. chaoyun2k says:

    I played this story so much that I had everything timed with recruiting mates and attacking fleets. I tried the idea of attacking Rapheal Selran a number of times before I ever knew about game information online and several times after I read suggestions to do that. I’m a veteran player and attacking Rapheal Selran is not an easy task and I never liked the idea of him having a bigger fleet next time. I find the scripted battles much easier, with similar preparations, and those can be timed with mate recruitment that allows you to capture more of the ships that you can then sell or keep in your fleet if you have enough crew for the next battle.

  2. chaoyun2k says:

    I should probably explain a little. In the early game I prefer to battle fleets that have Galleons instead of Flemish Galleons. Fleets that have Galleons will just have more of them the next time you see the fleet, whether or not they have the same captain. Fleets that are defeated when they have Flemish Galleons will appear next with Venetian Galeass, whether or not they have the same captain.

    Until the end of July there is a parade of pirates that sail through the Mediterranean before next appearing in South America, including an event pirate. They all have Galleons and are fairly easy to defeat and can be used to build a bigger fleet as you recruit new mates.

    I also “defect” to a country so I can get a Letter of Marque before attacking the fleets of another country. A letter of Marque keeps you from building animosity of a country because instead of the negative 20 for attacking a fleet, you only get a negative one. Another thing that defecting to a country will do is give you even more fame in piracy because the ruler often wants you to attack another fleet for his task. You should probably avoid defecting to Turkey for story reasons.

  3. Mark Erickson says:

    My favorite plan when I give Catalina a go is;(1.) As soon as she departs Seville with the Rebellion, make for Lisbon immediately and recruit the two “lodge persons” Miguel Solis and Alonzo Oreida, so you can seize a couple extra ships.(2.) Try to still be waiting by that Mediterranean strait on May 26th or 27th for Ortega’s Spanish merchant fleet to be due in the area, then attack to seize 2 Carracks and a Nao. (3.) Make immediately after hitting Ortega’s fleet for Naples, recruit Dante Peleria, and sell the 1 Nao if necessary to keep your crew fed. Sell goods if you had luck enough that Ortega had some. (4.) Then make for Genoa, recruit Nicolo Montagna, and wait for the Spanish war fleets to come, as now you can seize plenty of ships from each battle. (5.) Stay close to Genoa so you can moor a ship or two if desired. (6.) Try hard to beat 2 successive fleets and have several Galleons and/or Flemish Galleons to sell for extra trading revenue. (7.) When Andreas makes his big intro and Cat gets a break from having to fight, sell all ships but the 2 Carracks, seek a Bookkeeper(maybe Antione Fitch, maybe Jacob Walweik, maybe Al Fasi), and start trading away. Remodel them as need be. 400 Art sold in Istanbul then 400 Carpet bought then 400 likewise again from the other ship, or 400 twice at each port landing, can get her a good wad of gold after not too long. If Miguel and Alonzo still keep wanting wage raises, just let them go. (8.) Strike out away from Europe after perhaps a month of that trading, and head for Zipangu. Get Sakai and Nagasaki made into two sources of Tekkousens as soon as possible. Do forms of trading that don’t require going all the way back to Europe if you need, to keep investing every possible month. Examples may include exchanging Art from Sakai or Nagasaki with Perfume from Basra, or Silver from Nagasaki with Gold from Malindi or Mombassa. (9.) Get a fleet of 6 Tekkousens with 100 Cannons and 300 crew each, and that’s probably adequate even for 10-Venetian enemies. Then start battling away with no worries. (10.) Consider defecting to a country if you’d really like to see what words she exchanges with her mateys on becoming a Dutchess, but know that she may have to turn on that country and become Pirate again just to finish her story. A Letter Of Marque is not necessary, and in case you didn’t notice, a character Loyal To Piracy has some advantage of gaining more Fame In Piracy from attacking the same fleet than ordinary commodores without Letters Of Marque. As for animosity with countries, that can be made redemption for by visiting an enemy king. He’ll make you pay dearly out of your holdings and bank account, but won’t touch your Goods, so if you got yourself a load of several hundred lots of Gold, you’re well prepared to get right back on your feet after the meeting with that king.

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